I have been reading the bible lately. I've come to the 13
th Chapter of John which speaks about Jesus washing his disciples feet. Pretty boring stuff - at least it was to me when I heard about it every year in school and church. Maybe a little
explanation will help shed some light on this. Washing feet in the bible times was done mostly by the lowest of the lowly. It was done when entering someones home - mainly because sandals don't offer much protection from road dust, manure, etc - so they wouldn't track everything into the home and to freshen them up from all the walking.
Why am I writing this? His demonstration represents a universal truth - that everyone and everything is absolutely dependant on someone or something. As a friend put much more eloquently than I - people who are high up on the food chain many times develop superiority complex. I'll use her example of the
veterinary or medicine world - which I also have a great deal of familiarity with as well. Doctors and veterinarians (not all of them) have a reputation for looking down on their help. They are lead to the illusion that they are better than others. What the point of the feet washing story is that without those people they would be unable to do their jobs. Imagine a hospital with only doctors - there would be a lot of
suffering people in them. Without nurses, pharmacists, and all their various technicians, and clerical staff things would grind to a halt quickly.
The analogy works everywhere - if I couldn't buy clothes in a store, cars from a car dealer, food from the grocery store, or anything that allows me to go about my daily life I wouldn't get very far. I wouldn't even be able to get onto the
Internet or type on this computer without the people who invented and made all those things.
It works even more deeply than that - we rely on plants to a frightening degree, plants rely on the soil, sunshine, water. The earth relies on gravity to hold it together, to rotate it around the sun and you can go on and on all day long. All of this makes your head spin as it goes deeper and deeper and you begin to realize how dependent on one another we really are.
This should after a while bring us around to the idea of gratitude -
being grateful to one another and to nature for providing all it does for us. Without the person or thing that helps us do what we do, we are nothing. Realizing all of this makes me more likely (SOMETIMES I forget all the above) to thank the people and things who help me and be grateful to them. When I do that it makes others feel better about themselves. Eventually the thought that I work back to is that I really serve everyone, including those who serve under me and wash my feet. For without my service to others they would be missing part of their lives.
Why does this work the way it does? Why do people do meaningless jobs for little money? Why do people do seemingly more important jobs for a lot of money? If you asked the average person, they wouldn't be able to answer with any sort of intelligent question. In light of all my ramblings however a truth arises. We are here to help each other, to learn from each other and to serve each other. When we all finally die and leave our bodies behind - what do we have left? I wish I could say these were my words, but they are someone
else's, "The only thing we have when we die is what we have given away." What we do in service to others is what we are left with, not any money, a title, a fancy car, a big house or any other "thing" - only what we give to someone else.