Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Secrets, Secrets hurt someone

I have had the a little line from "the office" in my head for the last week, so I think it's time to write a little about it. I have more questions that I need to get down more than anything. I have been reading for the last year or so about secret societies, mystical things and noticed especially in the past week that my life has revolved around secrets. The question that has been stuck in my head is why do things have to be secret?

Why were thousands of books destroyed and/or hidden in the last 2000 years. In terms of ancient mysteries, secret societies and such it seems to be from the viewpoint of people who write that are interested in those times and peoples that groups of other people didn't agree with what they were doing so they just destroyed everything they could find that wasn't in line with their own thoughts.

With secrets in general most of the time people who hear them have a difficult time keeping them to themselves.

With personal secrets kept in ones own heart they have the power to drive people to insanity if they are not shared. If they aren't shared it also seems that at some point in the future people who do things in secret generally get outed or those secrets become public for everyone to see. I've found this to be true in my life and discoved this "secret" in a painful fashion.

So why are the secrets of some so well kept, while other secrets become public knowledge? Why did so many of the people around me have to find out about all the secrets I had? Is it the quality of the secret that determines the outcome?

Why have secrets then, why can't everything be public knowledge? I sort of know the answer to that one. If more than a few people knew about my interest in secrets societies and ancient mystery teachings I have a strong feeling that I would be looked down on or at least judged for my thoughts. Since my identity here is only know to a few people who know me well enough to know that I have a hunger for the truth of matters I can reveal some of these things without worrying too much about what they think of me.

There I go creating another secret...

This world tends to be so backward sometimes. What is considered to be public knowledge many times is not the full truth. What is secret a lot of the times is the truth. If the American public fully understood what has happened to their contries economy and why I think there would be a revolutionary war. Instead there is a bunch of half-truth which is just as bad as a lie.

It's my belief that half-truth is a much more dangerous, damaging beast compared to an outright, bald-faced lie. What is interesting is that people who conceal truth by telling a half-truth are lying to themselves.

What all of this means to me I can't really say right now, but it is an important thing and something that I need to work out.

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