Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back to musing

I had a long drive this weekend - which gave me some time to sit and think. Usually a dangerous activity for me, it was actually a good time. A few things came to mind that I have been mulling over in the past few months and it all sort of came together tonight.

A very good friend of mine told me once about the act of giving - be it money, time, friendship. Everything comes back to you that you give away. I thought this to be interesting at the time. Later I read that the only thing you get to keep when you die is what you give away. Even more interesting.

The statement that "we are part of the world we live in" is something you hear spouted off from people who want a more "green planet". I've never understood that since most of our planet is covered in water which isn't green (sorry couldn't resist that one). I never really liked the way the "part of the world" part of the statement sounded. Lately I've been thinking that people ARE much more than a part of the world. Everything we do is reflected by the world around us. Look at any animal and you will see so many similarities in them compared to humans. It sort of freaked me out the one night - I was looking at different people and I couldn't help but notice that one looked like a hawk or eagle.

So back to my first statement - what we give the world is what we will get back from it. In the last 100 or so years we have given this world thousands of ways to speed things up, to try to tame nature. We have given it pollution that is unprecedented and taken it for granted.

If you see where this is headed we are in for a major crap storm in the years ahead. What people (myself included) forget is that by not being good to our neighbors, fighting wars, polluting, being bad to other people we are asking that we be repaid in kind for the above statement what we give is what we keep holds true for bad things as well.

It works for everything in this world and it is this statement that has really begun to change me. Coming from a christian background this is not something that is stressed to the degree it should be. It wasn't until I learned about the whole idea of karma that I felt any urgency to change myself. Maybe it is enough for others but for me it didn't let me see the big picture. Everything in the human world is starting to speed up - the way we work, travel and do anything. It's not surprising to me anymore that things like climate change are also speeding up.

We may be a part of this world, but it is also part of us. When we speed up the world speeds up, when we slow down the same thing happens. What I do individually may seem to the physical world to be insignificant, but it isn't. When I change the world changes with me and through me.


A Girl said...

Dan, I agree that the world is running at full speed these days. My escape from it all is to hike the mountains near my home and just sit and enjoy the view as often as I can. Yes, I try to contribute to reduce the negative effects that progress has had on our environment (recycling, etc.) but one does have to wonder what our children's children will have to deal with when their time comes!

Stark Raving Zen said...

Beautiful post, Dan. I got to wondering, through your eyes, if I were an animal, what would I be? And don't say a pig! It's awfully smelly here in Belle Plaine this morning... ;)

Farmer Dan said...

Kristy, I'd have to say an owl, not the weird faced ones though. It's mainly your eyes that give me that feeling. That could change - I need to think about it some more, but I can say for sure it's not any kind of farm animal.

I also have been making it a morning habit to walk around outside and enjoy the morning when it's quiet and the grass is wet from all the dew.

I'm not sure if I'll still do my morning escape in the winter though trudging through snow may not be as serene.

tomdub_1024 said...

"I also have been making it a morning habit to walk around outside and enjoy the morning when it's quiet and the grass is wet from all the dew." Have you tried it barefoot? Really tunes your energy:)

Farmer Dan said...

I have walked around barefoot, lately it's been cold in the morning so it really wakes you up. I just have to be careful not to step in dog or cat poop.