Wednesday, November 20, 2019

One more project almost done

I’ll continue on my seemingly endless parade of projects I’m working on.  My daughter needed a new set of drawers for her clothes.  I’m not a big fan of buying stuff like that when there is such an overwhelming supply of furniture in this world that can be fixed up and look like new again.  So for about 75 dollars I am going to fix up and refinish my parents bedroom set that they no longer need.  As I said in the last post they are moving and their house is a bit smaller, so they were looking to get rid of some of their bedroom furniture.  The two pieces I took have been empty for 14 years.  They bought new pieces when they moved last time and just put the old ones in their extra bedrooms.  Now the new house has smaller bedrooms and they don’t need such large pieces in the rooms anyway.

Here is the partly finished product.  I used a chalk paint and then lightly sanded the edges.  I am in the middle of applying a wax coat to protect the paint and then all I need are a few handles and some grease for the drawer slides and away we go with updated furniture.  You can see the original brown that they were by looking at the taller piece in the back.  They also had some ugly large handles, whic I plan to replace with darker thin ones.  My daughter, even though she picked the color and helped paint everything is not liking this change.  She likes her old kid sized dresser and is not liking this much.  I’m pretty sure she’ll come around when it’s all done.  It’s going to be very nice looking when I finish.  I probably could sell each one for a few hundred after the work I put in, but I like them too much!

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