I’m working on my next video and I have a number of ideas of direction, but I’m not sure how to convey my ideas in a way that will make sense to some one who isn’t familiar with acceptance. At least how I go about accepting things. I know as I sit here tonight and write that I’m struggling with it a bit, probably because I’m not completely happy with being stuck here at home. I feel like life is on hold for a while until this virus stuff passes, but that’s not entirely true because I yam doing different things to help move things forward.
I need to accept things just the way they are. Anything less creates problems for me, it also has a tendency to show me the way to the next thing. The part of acceptance that is tricky is that you don’t need to like what you are accepting, but you sort of have to be at least OK with the situation as it stands at the moment. After things are accepted, then you can make the choice of moving on and either leaving it as is or making changes. You can only change a limited amount of things. The limit is what you can change yourself or in yourself. You can’t change other people or how they think. You can’t change the weather.
To do this I need to say to myself, this is how it is and how I got to this place may or may not be my doing, but it is what it is.
Using that to then improve my life is not so obvious, but if I can see it as a dualistic pair like good and evil or up and down, it begins to dawn on me why that is the important part. It is part one of the change. Part two is then taking the action to change what I can.
To wrap this up I’m going to end on the serenity prayer, if you haven’t heard it before it goes like this. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”