So I'm stuck at home during this corona virus insanity. It's been OK so far, but my daughter is getting on my nerves a bit. I want some time to be alone and to be able to think, but it's not been happening. One thought I had this morning was to start doing a daily video for the blog. I want to be able to make a short video that focuses on something other than all the BS that the news and many others are feeding us. It all started a week or so ago when a friend of mine asked me to help him make a video about corona virus masks. It was fun to do and really surprisingly easy. It's a good video, but not great. I'll share it here to show you since making a shield to protect yourself when you are out and about is probably not a bad thing to share and he would like it if he knew that more people might be able to see it.
I'm going to think about this a bit and hopefully start putting up daily videos that help me remember to do good things like enjoy the beauty of the world. Things I have been doing, but maybe could be doing better. I'll still keep writing, but this might help push me in the right direction and help me share the peace that I have with the world.
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