Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Finished Christmas presents

So I was finally able to finish my chainsaw art, here is the bear.  His eyes may look a little wonky but that’s because I used some polished Lake Superior agates that were found at my father in laws house. His head didn’t turn out quite the way I wanted, but it was better than the first one I made years ago. I haven’t finished the signs he will hold.  One is going to say “welcome” and the other will say “go away”.
The next one is the first eagle I made.  I think it’s pretty good, but compared to what I wanted to make.  At least compared to the second one.  The problem with the second was that the log was smaller so I had less room for the body.  Next I want to make one with its wings stretched out, it would be flying sideways, so all the feathers are stretched out.  Probably a few levels beyond my skill, but it would be fun to try.

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