Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Increased confidence for the world

Confidence was the theme this week, and specifically increased confidence in intuitive and decisive areas of life.  After all, what good is having a strong intuition about something or making a bold choice if you are constantly second guessing yourself or if you worry if you did the right thing or not.

I have had moments of confidence in my actions in the past, but in the past few years I’ve not had any.  I have to confirm with others (my wife and friends) that I’m doing the right thing or at least a good thing.  It certainly doesn’t help that many of my major choices have been slapped back in my face for a variety of reasons.  Some of the failures were outside my control completely and but a few of them were lack of realism on my part that they would actually work.

Looking back I can see that I either didn’t have full faith that my choices would work out or I ignored some obvious flaw in my plan.  I may have told myself it was the right thing, I may have confidently portrayed myself with exceeding confidence to those around me, but I was deep down fooling myself.

I have a good friend who believes that when looking for an idea to make money that you have to think huge.  For example, if you want to make 100 grand per year, you have to have a million dollar idea.  I recently read that the opposite tends to be true.  Start with something small that you really feel good about and it will blow up.

My problem lately is that I can’t think of anything.  I like writing this blog even though no one probably looks at it, I like working on my house.  I like some of my hobbies, but the passion really doesn’t bubble up.  I haven’t been fired up about something for a while, so I’m hoping that by trying out some ideas at the very least I can cross them off my list.  So I really hope that my gift of confidence to the world can come back to me in a big way.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Increased intuition for the world

This week the magick principle I worked on was increased intuition.  To recap what I am doing, I’m following a magickal program that uses brief rituals to help empower various qualities in me.  One of the steps is to imagine that I am gifting everyone in the world with the very power I am seeking.

I have been thinking a lot about intuition lately because of this and the benefits of being more intuitive.  To me it’s somewhat like faith, but it’s a more fleeting feeling.  Maybe more faith in yourself that you know what choice or word or action to take to end up where you want to be.  Any goal in life is going to have obstacles in the way, but being able to intuit the best way to get from point a to point b is having a way to get through the obstacle without being trapped in it.  For me, when I’ve had a better grasp on this it’s almost like you have a tailwind pushing you in the direction you want to go.  There are still difficult tasks on the path, but if you know that is what you need to do and then do it, there are increased benefits.

Take for example the start of my career in teaching.  I was newly sober almost 14 years ago and I was told I needed to go to a conference on addiction in Utah.  At the time I didn’t have the money or stability in my life to make it work, but people in my life insisted that it would be good for me and I had committed at the time to listen to people.  So I sucked it up and bought a ticket and paid for the conference.  I had no idea what I was getting into, but it turned out to be one of the best experience I’ve ever had.  A friend of mine was supposed to be a speaker at the conference who would tell their story of addiction to the group of almost 300 people.  I was impressed that she would do such a thing and was happy for her and excited to see her do it.  Turns out at the last minute she had a family emergency that kept her at home.  When I arrived at the conference I was approached by the director who asked me if I would be willing to take her place.  I didn’t know what to say, but after a pep talk from another friend I accepted.  I had to speak for 50 minutes in front of this huge group, tell my embarrassing story of addiction and recovery and I only had a day to prepare.  To make a long story short (too late), I nailed that presentation and got a standing ovation.  I was overwhelmed with such a great feeling!  After the talk, the director approached and told me to go to the office and give my information to the secretary - the conference was going to pay for my entire trip!  I again was in disbelief, all my worries about money and time and everything had just been thrown out the window.

All that happened because I trusted my intuition that maybe my close friends did know what was best and that I should listen and do what they told me.  I had my doubts that it would all work out in the end, but that push was what I needed to break out of the funk I’d been in.  I was in a bad place after getting sober, my life was not going where I wanted it to.  At the time I wouldn’t have called listening to those around me an intuitive notion, but my goal was to make my life better and my means to getting there was not questioning suggestions that I received from loved ones.  I could have skipped the trip and I would probably have stayed sober, but the amazing ride that I had after that probably would have been so amazing.

The part of that intuition that I want back is the feeling I had those years ago.  It’s like being on a moving sidewalk that goes through a haunted house.  There are lots of scary things you see while riding on that sidewalk, but they are all fake.  My intuition of trusting advice given from good sources felt like the scary parts of the ride only approached more quickly, because I started moving towards them at a faster pace.  What happened was that I ended up going through them faster and I got through the scary parts faster.  Had I chosen to not follow the advices I would have just stood still or went backwards on the moving sidewalk and just prolonged the inevitable scary parts.  Being able to trust my intuition at the time helped me so much and without a doubt it helped me.

My hope is that at least one person will read this and get some benefit from this and their life will then become easier.  Even if that doesn’t happen, I still made the attempt at spreading this gift.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Increased Clarity for the world

I finished week two of my new chaos magick ritual and it was about increasing clarity.  This is clarity to make good choices with because you are clear with your destiny.  Imagine how much less stress you would have in your life if you we’re able to see the implications of a particular choice as it relates to your future.  I can say that while I have noticed a drastic change I am going to change how I report on this experiment as I go forward.  I’ll keep the written part, but I’m going to lose the video like I posted last week.  I still made one for this week since I was committed to doing it.

It’s not that I don’t want to share this gift with the world I just think the distraction and time I spend on the video could be put to better use.  What’s interesting is that the current magick’s focus is intuition and I just had a feeling that this would be a better way to go.

So I can see that there are some obvious changes in my approach to presenting these weekly topics to the world.  I can actually give away more by writing, posting a nice picture or video that better relates to the topic at hand.  The very nature of my desire to share the ability of the week will be increased and by spiritual laws this will allow me to keep more of what I want to give away.

I’ve heard this and seen this in so many ways in my life, the lives of my friends and even with famous people.  Just look at the people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.  They give their fortunes away faster than they can make it and they only make more money.  A friend of mine runs a food packaging charity like “Feed My Starving Children”.  He is the most giving, selfless person I know and he is surrounded by amazing people and always has everything he needs.  He gives away thousands of dollars a year, hours of his time helping and his laugh can be heard before you see him.  He’s probably one of the happiest people in the world and it’s all because he gives away what ever he has, only to be given even greater gifts.

So that is my purpose in doing this.  I want all of the attributes I am working on and the only way I will get them is to give them away.  It’s selfish, yes.  At the same time it’s really not, because I only want them to be a better person, which in turn will allow me to be a better father, husband and member of the human race.  This in turn will end up being a bigger benefit to the world.  My hope is to show the world that this is the way to be thinking.  It’s not just about money or material possessions which is what communism is, it’s not forced, it’s of free will.  It’s bigger than any government.  It has the potential to change the world and I hope to be one that starts the ball rolling.

If you want to watch the video below, be my guest.  It’s similar to the one last week.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Increased perception for the world

I will attempt to explain what I am doing here.  This is a little outside my comfort zone, but I’ll do my best.  I mentioned in a previous post that I have been practicing some Chaos magick and the current rituals I am doing which I’m not going to get into for the moment have a part where you imagine a particular quality improving your life and then at the end you imagine and offer this gift to the world.  In the video which follows I explain this again and then show myself at the end doing this by putting my hands on my heart and then extending them out while I think about this energy going forth in the world.

Sound a little weird, but it’s not easy to think of in this week of ritual the entire world having an increased level of perception in their life.  So my thought would put forth a physical effort to share this with world.  I plan to have a post in the future about how giving things away is really the only way we get to keep something.  I’ve known this for sometime, it’s hard to explain this to people, but as I continue I’ll get a better grasp on being able to have the words to describe this.

Please watch the video if you want to see what I’m talking about.  I plan on doing this after each week of ritual so I can share the magick with the world.  I’ll post them here.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Magic eye fun

One of the exercises that were recommended for viewing auras were the magic eye images.  I’m not sure I can post any of this but I can post a link most likely.  It’s recommended that you view these for fifteen minutes at a time and do this a few times a day until you can see them instantly.  The site below probably has the worst English of any, but there are many images there to view.


If you don’t like the English of the site you can simply google magic eye images and find a bunch of them.  I’ve been looking at a lot of these and for the most part it’s at least relaxing to the eyes.  What’s interesting is that if I do these without my glasses and then put them on I find it’s harder to focus on them.  Not sure what that means for my aura viewing, but I’ll keep working on it.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Chaos and Auras

Two of the things I haven’t written about that I have been reading and practicing are chaos magick and aura viewing.  Both are sort of fringe topics, but ones that have long long histories.  Chaos magick is one of those topics where if you ask for an explanation of what it is, it is likely to end up in some weird place that has nothing to do with the start.  The thing that drew me in was a book call “Real magic” by Dean Radin.  To sum up his book looked at various magic and evidence of it really working and chaos magick was one of the few that showed results.  So last fall I dove down the rabbit  hole and started in not really knowing what I was doing.  It’s as much or little as you want to make it and the techniques you use are based on what you like and what suits you.

The last four sentences didn’t tell you much about it, but I am going to start including some of it in my blog and in my videos.  The problem with sharing is that doing a particular magic act doesn’t lend itself to sharing because you are to promptly forget about what you just did and then not dwell on the ritual as that can actually ruin the magic.  To me it not all that much different than any law of attraction practice that you might find in any number of books, but it is different how you do it.  So far it’s been fun and I’ve had a few results that have made it worthwhile.

The other topic I’m investigating is auras.  I’ve always wondered about them, there are people that can see them, but they seem to be in the minority.  When I looked at it a few years ago, I lost interest because the source I read was basically - cross your eyes and stare at people.  I have since been reading about a more methodical practice that is almost too detailed in how to go about getting your eyes in shape to see this way.  It is step by step and I’ve even had some results looking at my plants.

I hope to share more as time goes on and now being stuck at home for the next few weeks I have the time to work on it!