Friday, April 10, 2020

Increased perception for the world

I will attempt to explain what I am doing here.  This is a little outside my comfort zone, but I’ll do my best.  I mentioned in a previous post that I have been practicing some Chaos magick and the current rituals I am doing which I’m not going to get into for the moment have a part where you imagine a particular quality improving your life and then at the end you imagine and offer this gift to the world.  In the video which follows I explain this again and then show myself at the end doing this by putting my hands on my heart and then extending them out while I think about this energy going forth in the world.

Sound a little weird, but it’s not easy to think of in this week of ritual the entire world having an increased level of perception in their life.  So my thought would put forth a physical effort to share this with world.  I plan to have a post in the future about how giving things away is really the only way we get to keep something.  I’ve known this for sometime, it’s hard to explain this to people, but as I continue I’ll get a better grasp on being able to have the words to describe this.

Please watch the video if you want to see what I’m talking about.  I plan on doing this after each week of ritual so I can share the magick with the world.  I’ll post them here.

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